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Extract from the Protocol of the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Design Institute for Land Management "Armgiprozem" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Armenian SSR
Yerevan August 29, 1978

Agenda: on supporting the candidacy for nomination by the Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the ArmSSR, candidate of agricultural sciences Petrosyan Grant Petrosovich for election as a corresponding member of the All-Union Order of Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. V.I. Lenin, specialty "Agriculture and chemicalization of agriculture."


     Tov. Petrosyan G.P. - a citizen-scientist, an active fighter for the feeling of the new, modern in all sectors of the national economy.


    The multifaceted activities of comrade. Petrosyan G.P. In addition to a large scientific load, there are no issues in agricultural production related to increasing the efficiency of the implementation of this or that measure, which were not tested by him and, with his active participation, were not introduced into the agricultural production of the republic.


     A striking proof is that with the active participation of comrade. Petrosyan G.P. Institute "Armgiprozem" developed the "General scheme of anti-erosion and anti-mudflow measures in the Armenian SSR", and subsequently the "General scheme for the rational use of land resources of the Armenian SSR for 1976-2000".


   Tov. Petrosyan G.P. being a major organizer, the initiator of many new problems of further improvement of agricultural production methods.


    With his active support and personal contribution, the "Armgiprozem" Institute began development to improve the design and estimate business of laying intensive orchards on an industrial basis.


     Huge help from the director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Comrade. Petrosyan G.P. in the application of mechanization in design solutions.


     Tov. Petrosyan G.P. is not limited to the scientific director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry. He feels responsible for the further development of agriculture in the republic, and therefore, each institute in the republic or a major agricultural specialist, in order to implement new developments and proposals, turns to the chairman of the board of the NTO of agriculture of the Armenian SSR, comrade. Petrosyan G.P., finding understanding and consistency in the difficult task of implementing work in life.


     Tov. Petrosyan G.P. a deeply principled scientist with statesmanship and a high sense of partisanship. Unlike many scientists, he does not shy away from production and is a major organizer and leader.


    The Yeraskhaun Experimental Ameliorative Station led by him has high economic and production indicators, being the flagship of large harvests in the Oktemberyan region.


     Tov. Petrosyan G.P. over 80 scientific papers have been published, he is a co-author of the monograph “Soils of Armenia”, a number of his articles have been published abroad. melioration, drainage and irrigation issues.


    It should be noted that the developed com. Petrosyan G.P. The chemical method of development of soda-saline soils is of great practical and theoretical importance both in our country and abroad.


   For great services in the field of agricultural development and the authority of comrade. Petrosyan G.P. was repeatedly elected to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic, a member of a number of problematic Councils of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Armenian SSR. For more than 15 years he has been the head of the Armenian branch of the GP and the Board of the NTO of agriculture of the republic.


    For great services in strengthening international scientific ties comrade. Petrosyan T.P. was awarded the Big Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Cuba.

       The Scientific and Technical Council of the "Armgiprozem" Institute decided:

to support the decision of the Scientific Council of the Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the ArmSSR on the nomination of Petrosyan G.P. to elect him as a corresponding member of VASKhNIL them. V.I. Lenin, specialty "Agriculture and chemicalization of agriculture."


Director of the Institute "ARMGIPROZEM". Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council - Zakoyan R.O.


Secretary - Maysky R.A.

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