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Academician LOBANOV P.P.

Dear Pavel Pavlovich!

The Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR supports the nomination of the director of the Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Armenian SSR, comrade. Petrosyan G.P. Corresponding Member of VASKhNIL, specialty "Agriculture and chemicalization of agriculture".

Tov. Petrosyan G.P. has great merits in the development of agricultural science of the republic.

Working from the day of the organization, for 20 years, the director of the institute comrade. Petrosyan G.P. managed to create a creative team capable of successfully solving the problems of the further development of soil-agrochemical science and solving pressing practical problems.

Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Comrade. Petrosyan G.P. work was carried out to study the soil cover of the republic; general schemes for the use of land resources and anti-erosion measures were drawn up. With his active help and assistance, 7 doctors and 35 candidates of sciences have been trained at the institute over the past time.

Tov. Petrosyan G.P. for the first time in the country, an agrochemical service was organized, where specialists from the republic and regions of the country took a course.

The result of his tireless scientific and organizational activity was the development and widespread introduction into production, together with a team of reclamators, of a new progressive method of chemical reclamation of soda solonetzes-salt marshes using acid waste from the chemical industry. Tov. Petrosyan G.P. proposed a unified technology and a system of machines for saline land reclamation. On the reclaimed salt marshes, the farms of the republic receive high yields of grain, herbs, vegetable and melon crops, fruits and grapes.

Tov. Petrosyan G.P. possesses great skill and ability to put forward and successfully solve major theoretical problems of agricultural science and production, with the involvement of specialists from related branches of science.

For many years Comrade. Petrosyan G.P. heads the NTO of agriculture of the republic. He is the initiator of the organization of the country's first public graduate school - a new form of training of scientific personnel from among the leaders of production. Through his daily assistance, more than 60 public graduate students have successfully defended their Ph.D. Tov. Petrosyan G.P. a system of intensive cultivation of fruit crops, an undressed system of wages has been introduced in the republic; a new method of using pressure drainage water for the operation of sprinkling systems, etc., was proposed. The results of scientific research presented by Comrade. Petrosyan G.P. in more than 80 published works, are a synthesis of theoretical research and original ideas, with experimental confirmation and subsequent implementation in production. They are also widely used by the agricultural, water management and planning authorities of the republic.


A number of scientific developments and proposals of the institute formed the basis for the relevant decisions and resolutions of the decision-making bodies.


For services in the field of science comrade. Petrosyan G.P. was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and a number of medals. He was repeatedly elected to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia and a deputy of the Supreme Council of the republic. For assistance in the training of scientific personnel, he was awarded the Big Gold Medal of the Cuban Academy of Sciences. He was awarded the title of Honorary Member of the NTO of the USSR and Czechoslovakia.


Tov. Petrosyan G.P. successfully presents the achievements of the Soviet land reclamation science at numerous international congresses, symposiums and exhibitions. His merits in this area were recognized by his election as Vice-President of the Saline Soils Subcommittee of the International Soil Science Society at the XI International Congress of Soil Science in June this year. In Canada.


Considering the above, the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR believes that comrade. Petrosyan G.P. is a worthy candidate for corresponding members of VASKhNIL.


The Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR also asks you to take into account that in the Academy headed by you the agricultural science of the republic is not represented by specialists in agriculture and agrochemistry.

With deep respect


Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR - F. Sargsyan

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